introducing ai&ml to Pratt Institute

introducing ai&ml to Pratt Institute



I am currently a professor at Pratt Institute (my alma mater!) in Brooklyn, NY where I teach graduating seniors and juniors.

What are you teaching?

  • I teach Graphic Design Intensive: Thesis Research to undergraduate juniors and seniors. I help them form a thesis project through research and experimentation. We read and write a lot in this class.

Why did you choose to teach?

  • It feels honorable that young people would want to learn from me, but selfishly I wanted to explore a new way of learning for myself. Having to teach concepts to someone requires that I understand the subject matter intimately too.

Will you teach full time?

  • Most likely no.

UGCD300: Graphic Design Intensive: Thesis Research

In this undergraduate course, Graphic Design Intensive: Thesis Research, in the Communications Design program, students are challenged to develop a nuanced understanding, in-depth research, and advanced experimentation of social, cultural, political and environmental implications surrounds image-based creation to develop a point of view in response. It’s here that I introduce ai&ml tools and research to my students and faculty as methodologies of the creative process.

1. Defining our own creative values as an artist or designer


2. Writing is a powerful tool to communicate the creative process and artistic direction

In this class, we emphasize academic research and writing as a rigorous part of our creative process. As creatives, we are brilliant at producing visually compelling work but often lack the skills to effectively communicate our vision to others. We write a LOT in this class. At the end, the students have submitted a well-documented thesis proposal.


3. Teach me like I am 5 workshop

Communications Design is a discipline that encompasses many avenues for designers to pursue and in this program, students are encouraged to become expert matters in their domain. As an exercise in public speaking and facilitating, I assigned them the task to run their own workshop.



You can take a peep at my syllabus here: